( HashDrop Application)

Our wholly owned subsidiary is focused on blockchain applications for mining and resource company management. We are leveraging the work of other Application Program Interface (API) companies to build a suite of blockchain products to address needs that are particular to the data management and security of mining/oil and gas companies. It is expected that many of these blockchain products could have crossover to other industries.

 Our development team is creating HashDrop, our blockchain application. This will be accomplished by utilizing existing blockchain solutions to create a secure platform for parties to manage and update digital assets and documents within their data centers while providing trusted transactions with full confidence in the principle of the information being shared or accessed.

It is a secure, comprehensive, and unalterable platform that eliminates the time and cost of document sharing and assembly. It enables the organization to better coordinate compliances, deliver information efficiently, and trade digital assets securely. With a wide range of device types, our platform adapts to various device configurations. Our easy-to-use interfaces are backed by the infrastructure behind the scenes to ensure fast, reliable uploads, downloads, and sharing. Our team who is creating Hashdrop will continue to evolve the product and architecture to ensure speed data transfer and improved reliability.

The framework of our HashDrop application will be as follows

A. Architecture

Designed with multiple levels of protection covering

  • Data transfer.
  • Encryption
  • Network configuration.
  • Application-level controls all distributed across a scalable, secure infrastructure.

B. Platform Objectives  

  • A secure platform for users or parties to manage and update digital assets and documents.
  • Integrate with Ethereum blockchain for logging all digital assets, data, and documents.
  • Validate and allow transfer of ownership of the digital assets.

C.   Authentication                                                                                        

  • Different levels of authority access.
  • Login/ register using email and password

D.    Accessibility

  • Parties can share and manage digital assets anywhere with internet access. With the utilization of public blockchain, information is shared under a fast and secure environment.

E.     Search Function

  • Authorized members are able to search for all data & digital assets that are uploaded on to the blockchain platform through our user-friendly interface
  • Our HashDrop application will communicate with the secured database that is synced with the Blockchain, where uploaded data & digital assets are recorded

F.    Quality Control

Documentation errors are the No.1 source of defects and generate excessive costs and time.

  • Our platform eliminates duplicate documents, lost documents, document issues, and exceptions.

G.    Due Diligence

  • Whether it is file transfer of trade of digital assets, the costs will be significantly reduced to all parties to review and audit the documents and data associated with the transaction.

H.        Sharing Permissions

Adminstration will have comprehensive control of

  • The team sharing abilities.
  • Whether members can share files and folders with people within the company.
  • Whether members can edit folders owned by people within the company.
  • Whether members can create file request and collect file from other members of the company.

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